Live your design through your energy blueprint

We are energy! We are made up of the same energy and elements of the earth and cosmos around us.

It isn't that far fetched then to think that at the moment we are born there is an energetic blueprint created. An energetic blueprint that can offer us guidance to live our lives to the highest benefit to us as individuals, and from this point gain inner knowing on how best to support those who come into our field of awareness throughout our life.

This is the idea behind Human Design. It is an energetic blueprint that with an knowledge of you can find how best to utilise the energy within to live your best life, and be of the best support to others.

The 2 sites I mostly use to pull up charts are My Talking Bodygraph and Jovian Archive. Both these sites give you a good, basic free chart, plus good paid for content. Other sites exist too with both free and paid content. If you’d like an individualised reading of your chart please keep reading for more details on the services I provide and my specific interests in relation to Human Design and health.

Gaining an inner-understanding on how your own energy works, how you pick up on or take on energy from others, and how to listen to your own inner guidance system, release the conditioning of the world around you that tells you certain things are impossible, could truly change everything for you, for the better.

What if you could find more energy?
What if you could find more focus?
What if you could find more clarity?
What if all this led you to more freedom and abundance?

This has been my own experience with Human Design and this is why I can't help but bring it into almost everything I do to support others. I can't actually hold any kind of session with someone without wanting to know their Human Design so I can better support him/her to support himself/herself.

Human Design is a mix of modern science, astrology/ horoscopes, the chakra system, and quantum physics (the study of energy) . The blueprint for your soul, designed to bring you back to your true self, the self you were created to be before the world told you who you ‘should’ be. Having such a deep understanding of yourself will be a huge help in your life journey, knowing your very specific and unique needs as we are all so different saving so much time money and frustration.

What I so wish to help people realise with my knowledge of human design and energy  is that none of it is abnormal, divergent, disordered or wrong,  but that it is all perfectly normal for the unique energetic blueprint of each individual.

This is even more pronounced in those born in more recent years because they are so much more in tune with spirit, their energy and hold less (maybe even no) karmic past to release, but of course most adults think this is bullshit or have little to know grasp on what spirituality really is.

Autism is not what anyone thinks it is, it is not a disorder or divergent, they are all just words to make people think there's something wrong with them or their offspring.

I'm offering packages of Human Design readings for a discounted price of £222 (a discount of nearly £100), to get a well rounded knowledge of your Design so you can find all these things in your life. Since I am always growing and gaining my own insight on HD, the support I'll get to share will grow too.

If you feel called to join me for this exploration into your own energetic blueprint then you can book a reading here, or begin your HD journey with the first of 4 hour long sessions for the discounted price of £222 here.


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