Self Care begins where you are now!

What do you believe is the hardest thing stopping you from Self Care?

Too much to do for others?

It's time to normalise how hard things can feel sometimes.

These times we live in right now are like so few others in time, possibly ever for this planet. The energies are intense. This may be beyond what some folk understand right now, but there is energy from above and below calling our human energy systems to heighten and expand and become more of what we are capable of being.

With this comes intense emotion, strange physical symptoms, and uncertainty within out mind and spirit.

I am here to tell you that right now if things feel beyond you, fucking intense and horrible, that you are absolutely normal and everything is going to be OK.

It's time to stop putting so much stress on everyone to stay high vibration, positive all the time. This will just result in many people feeling even more shit about themselves and their lives.

We can be in alignment, processing out stories and releasing the past, while also feeling the overwhelm, anxiety and intensity of the times we're in.

I am done pretending like everything is always OK, there are real challenges out there for some people right now, real life anxieties and concerns.

What is more important is acknowledging these things feel real right now, and finding the tools to process them, allow them, and return them to the source of all things, the universal creative energy and the power of the planet, so we can grow and expand.

Learn to love yourself as you are right now, challenges and pains included, so you can be whole in your human experience.

Find some supportive affirmations to keep you going during the hardwst times.

I am safe.
I am powerful.
I am free.
I am whole.

These statements are keeping me going right now while I process and face some of the realities of our times and let go of some deep ancestral wounds.

These experiences are what help me support and hold space for others, so every challenge I face makes me a better leader for others.

This is single biggest reason I keep on going when I don't even know what the next day holds.

If you are feeling the struggles of the times, if your physical or emotional health seems in turmoil reach out and let's find a way through for you.

Whether you are a busy mum, dad, carer, empath, healer, feeling worn down by the intense energies of the time we live in the Self Care Love Fest will have something for you.

This is a Free 10 day event I am hosting on my website, and on my Discord Server starting on the 19th May.


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